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Check if certain files have been changed between two commits

YAML Snippet

- task: GitGuardChanges@0
sourceCommitHash: #Oldest commit hash to check from
targetCommitHash: HEAD #Newest commit hash to check to (Default `HEAD`)
matchPattern: #Files to match
matchStrategy: all #If single only a `single` result from `matchPattern` needs to be matched, else all.
breakOnFailure: false #Break the build in addition to setting the result variables


Source Commit Hash
(Required) Oldest commit hash to check from
Target Commit Hash
(Required) Newest commit hash to check to (Default HEAD)
Default value: HEAD
Match Pattern
(Required) Files to match
Match Strategy
(Required) If single only a single result from matchPattern needs to be matched, else all.
Options: all, single
Default value: all
Break on failure
(Optional) Break the build in addition to setting the result variables

Output variables

These are the output variables the task sets:

gitGuardChangesResultMatch result
gitGuardChangesCountCount of number of matched files that was changed
gitGuardChangesMatchesList of file paths of files that was changed

📜 Commit Query

"Commit Query" allows you resolve certain git hashes dynamically. It is basically just a selector for what git commands should be run in the background.

  • tag:<matchFormat>: Fetches the latest tag matching the format


Assume the repo contains two tags, v0.0.7-dev, v0.0.8-dev, and v0.0.9 the following tag:v*-dev expression would resolve to the latest tag created. In this case v0.0.8-dev. The query tag:v*[!-dev] would resolve v0.0.9.

❓ Pipeline Examples

Verify a single file has been changed

Assume the latest tag created is v0.0.7-dev and in the commits made after the tag was created have changed the following files.

  • ci/pipeline.yml
  • docs/
  • docs/

Given the following pipeline configuration:

- task: GitGuardChanges@0
displayName: 'Verify changelog'
sourceCommitHash: 'tag:*-dev'
targetCommitHash: 'HEAD'
matchPattern: 'docs/'
matchStrategy: 'single'
breakOnFailure: true

assume matchPattern will resolve the following files:

  • docs/

and the task will output:

  • gitGuardChangesResult: true
  • gitGuardChangesCount: 1
  • gitGuardChangesMatches: docs/

Verify all matched files have been changed

Assume the latest tag created is v0.0.7-dev and in the commits made after the tag was created have changed the following files.

  • ci/pipeline.yml
  • docs/
  • docs/
  • packages/package-one/index.js
  • packages/package-one/index2.js
  • packages/package-two/index2.js

Given the following pipeline configuration:

- task: GitGuardChanges@0
displayName: 'Verify changelog'
sourceCommitHash: 'tag:*-dev'
targetCommitHash: 'HEAD'
matchPattern: '**/*/index2.js'
matchStrategy: 'all'
breakOnFailure: true

assume matchPattern will resolve the following files:

  • packages/package-one/index2.js
  • packages/package-two/index2.js

and the task will output:

  • gitGuardChangesResult: true
  • gitGuardChangesCount: 2
  • gitGuardChangesMatches:
    • packages/package-one/index2.js
    • packages/package-two/index2.js

and assume matchPattern will resolve the following files:

  • packages/package-one/index2.js
  • packages/package-two/index2.js
  • packages/package-three/index2.js

and the task will output:

  • gitGuardChangesResult: false
  • gitGuardChangesCount: 2
  • gitGuardChangesMatches:
    • packages/package-one/index2.js
    • packages/package-two/index2.js